Peer-reviewed Papers
1. Nikolic D.B., Nesic S.B., Kostic L., Nikolic M., Samardzic J. 2019. Silicon alleviates iron deficiency in barley by enhancing expression of Strategy II genes and metal redistribution. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 416. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.0041

2. Bosnic, P., Pavlicevic, M., Nikolic, N., Nikolic M. 2019. High monosilicic acid supply rapidly increases Na accumulation in maize roots by decreasing external Ca2+ activity. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 182: 210-216.

3. Vega I., Nikolic M., Pontigo S., Godoy K., de la Luz Mora M., Cartes P. 2019. Silicon improves the production of high antioxidant- or structural-phenolic compounds in barley cultivars under aluminium stress. Agronomy 9: 388, doi:10.3390/agronomy9070388. 
4. Anicic Urosevic M., Jovanovic G., Stevic N., Deljanin I., Nikolic M.,Tomaševic M., Samson R. 2019. Leaves of common urban tree species (Aesculus hippocastanum, Acer platanoides, Betula pendula and Tilia cordata) as a measure of particle and particle-bound pollution: A four-year study. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 12: 1081-1090. 
5. Bosnic D., Nikolic D., Timotijevic G., Pavlovic J., Vaculik M., Samardzic J. Nikolic M. 2019. Silicon alleviates copper (Cu) toxicity in cucumber by increased Cu-binding capacity. Plant and Soil 441:629-641.

1. Bosnic P., Bosnic D., Jasnic J., Nikolic M. 2018. Silicon mediates sodium transport and partitioning in maize under moderate salt stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany 155: 681-687.  
2. Yan G., Nikolic M., Ye M., Xiao Z., Liang Y. 2018. Silicon acquisition and accumulation in plant and its significance for agriculture. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 17: 2138-2150. 
3. Savic J., Stevic N., Maksimovic V., Samardzic J., Nikolic D.B., Nikolic M. 2018. Root malate efflux and expression of TaALMT1 in Serbian winter wheat cultivars differing in Al tolerance. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 18: 90-99.  
4. Nikolic N., Kostic L., Nikolic M. 2018. To dam, or not do dam? Abolishment of further flooding impedes the natural revegetation processes after long-term fluvial deposition of copper tailings. Land Degradation and Development 29: 1915-1924.  
5. Pontigo S., Ulloa M., Godoy K., Nikolic N., Nikolic M., de la Luz Mora M., Cartes P. 2018. Phosphorus efficiency modulates phenol metabolism in wheat genotypes. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 18: 904-920 
6. Ribera-Fonseca A., Rumpel C., de la Luz Mora M., Nikolic M., Cartes P. 2018. Sodium silicate and calcium silicate differentially affect silicon and aluminium uptake, antioxidant performance and phenolics metabolism of ryegrass in an acid Andisol. Crop and Pasture Science 69: 205-215.  
1. Kostic L., Nikolic N., Bosnic D., Samardzic J., Nikolic M. 2017. Silicon increases phosphorus (P) uptake by wheat under low P acid soil conditions. Plant and Soil 419: 447-455.


1. Stevic N., Korac J., Pavlovic J., Nikolic M. 2016. Binding of transition metals to monosilicic acid in aqueous and xylem (Cucumis sativus L.) solutions: A low-T electron paramagnetic resonance study. Biometals 29: 945-951.

2. Pavlovic J., Samardzic J., Kostic L., Laursen K.H., Natic M., Timotijevic G., Schjoerring J.K., Nikolic M. 2016. Silicon enhances leaf remobilization of iron in cucumber under limited iron conditions. Annals of Botany 118: 271-280.

3. Nikolic N., Böcker R., Nikolic M. 2016. Long-term passive restoration following fluvial deposition of sulphidic copper tailings: nature filters out the solutions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 13672-13680.
4. Nikolic M., Nikolic N., Kostic L., Pavlovic J., Bosnic P., Stevic N., Savic J., Hristov N. 2016. The assessment of soil availability and wheat grain status of zinc and iron in Serbia: implications for human nutrition. Science of the Total Environment 553: 141-148.  
5. Deljanin I., Antanasijevic D., Bjelajaca A., Anicic, Urosevic M., Nikolic M., Peric-Grujic A., Ristic M. 2016. Chemometrics in biomonitoring: distribution and correlation of trace elements in tree leaves. Science of the Total Environment 545-546: 361-371. 

1. Kostic L., Nikolic N., Samardzic J., Milisavljevic M., Maksimovic V., Cakmak D., Manojlovic D., Nikolic M. 2015. Liming of anthropogenically acidified soil promotes phosphorus acquisition in the rhizosphere of wheat. Biology and Fertility of Soils 51: 289-298.

2. Žižić M,, Dučić T., Grolimund D., Bajuk-Bogdanović D., Nikolic M., Stanić M., Križak S., Zakrzewska J. 2015. X-ray absorption near-edge structure micro-spectroscopy study of vanadium speciation in Phycomyces blakesleeanus mycelium. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 407: 7487-7496. 

3. Pontigo S., Ribera A., Gianfreda L., de la Luz Mora M., Nikolic M., Cartes P. 2015. Silicon in vascular plants: uptake, transport and its influence on mineral stress under acidic conditions. Planta 242: 23-37.


1. Nikolic N., Böcker R., Kostic-Kravljanac L., Nikolic M. 2014. Assembly processes under severe abiotic filtering: adaptation mechanisms of weed vegetation to the gradient of soil constraints. PLoS ONE 9(12): e114290. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0114290.

2. Dragisic Maksimovic J., Zivanovic B., Maksimovic V., Mojovic M., Nikolic M., Vucinic Z. 2014. Filter strip as a method of choice for apoplastic fluid extraction from maize roots. Plant Science 223: 49-58.  

3. Bityutskii N., Pavlovic J., Yakkonen K., Maksimovic V., Nikolic M. 2014. Contrasting effect of silicon on iron, zinc and manganese status and accumulation of metal-mobilizing compounds in micronutrient-deficient cucumber. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 74: 205-211. 


1. Pavlovic J., Samardzic J., Masimović V., Timotijevic G., Stevic N., Laursen K.H., Hansen T.H., Husted S., Schjoerring J.K., Liang Y., Nikolic M. 2013. Silicon alleviates iron deficiency in cucumber by promoting mobilization of iron in the root apoplast. New Phytologist 198: 1096-1107. 


1. Nikolic M., Cesco S., Monte R., Tomasi N., Gottardi S., Zamboni A., Pinton R., Varanini Z. 2012. Nitrate transport in cucumber leaves is an inducible process involving an increase in plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity and abundance. BMC Plant Biology 12: 66.  

2. Dragisic Maksimovic J., Mojovic M., Maksimovic V., Römheld V., Nikolic M. 2012. Silicon ameliorates manganese toxicity in cucumber by decreasing hydroxyl radical accumulation in the leaf apoplast. Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 2411-2420.  

3. Savic J., Römheld V., Nikolic M. 2012. Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) genotypic variation in response to boron deficiency. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 36: 408-414.  

4. Nikolic N., Nikolic M. 2012. Gradient analysis reveals a copper paradox on floodplain soils under long-term pollution by mining waste. Science of the Total Environment 425: 146-154.
5. Misic D., Dragicevic M., Siler B., Nestorovic-Zivkovic J., Maksimovic V., Momcilovic I., Nikolic M. 2012. Sugars and acid invertase mediate the physiological response of Schenkia spicata root cultures to salt stress. Journal of Plant Physiology 169: 1281-1289. 

6. Misic D., Siler B., Nestorovic J.Z., Simonovic A., Maksimovic V., Budimir S., Janosevic D., Durickovic M., Nikolic M. 2012. Contribution of inorganic cations and organic compounds to osmotic adjustment in root cultures of two Centaurium species differing in tolerance to salt stress. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 108: 389-400.


1. Nikolic N., Kostic L., Djordjevic A., Nikolic M. 2011. Phosphorus deficiency is the major limiting factor for wheat on alluvium polluted by the copper mine pyrite tailings: a black box approach. Plant and Soil 339: 485-498.  

2. Song A., Li P., Li Z., Fan F., Nikolic M., Liang Y. 2011. The alleviation of zinc toxicity by silicon is related to zinc transport and antioxidative reactions in rice. Plant and Soil 344: 319-333.